Iowa State Workforce Development Board
State Workforce Board
About the State Board
Oversees the implementation of the state workforce development plan and supports employment programs across the state.
State Board Standing Committees
Standing committees that are focused on aligning workforce efforts and supporting various populations across the state.
Agendas, Minutes, & Meeting Documents
Documents and related information from the latest State Workforce Board meetings.
Local Workforce Development Areas
Iowa currently has six local local workforce areas. The SWDB ensures that each area has the resources to support employment programs across the state.

Local Workforce Development Areas
Iowa Plains Local Workforce Area
42-county region on the western side of the state that provides services overseen by Iowa Workforce Development.
Central Iowa Local Workforce Area
Region in central Iowa that supports the workforce development system for eight counties.
East Central Local Workforce Area
Region in east central Iowa that supports the workforce development system for seven counties.
Mississippi Valley Local Workforce Area
Region in eastern border of Iowa that supports the workforce development system for eight counties.
Northeast Iowa Local Workforce Area
Region in northeastern part of the state that supports the workforce development system for 20 counties.
South Central Local Workforce Area
Region in the southern part of the state that supports the workforce development system for 14 counties.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Information on Iowa's plans to implement WIOA, including policy guidance and related resources that support the workforce areas across the state.

All State and Local Board Documents
Get access to archived information about the history of Iowa's local workforce areas, from both current and previous workforce boards.