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The Disability Access Standing Committee’s mission is to address issues relating to providing workforce services to individuals with disabilities, including (but not limited to):

  • Issues relating to compliance with applicable state and federal nondiscrimination laws regarding the provision of programmatic and physical access to the services, programs, and activities of the state workforce development system.
  • Appropriate training for staff on providing supports for or accommodations to, and finding employment opportunities for, individuals with disabilities.


The State Workforce Development Board established a Disability Access Standing Committee to lead a statewide initiative to:

  • Ensure that Iowa’s one-stop delivery system meets all accessibility requirements for individuals with disabilities under the ICRA, ADA, and WIOA; and
  • Increase accessibility for individuals with disabilities to the programs, services, and activities of Iowa’s one-stop delivery system.
  • Continuously improve for individuals with disabilities the provision of services within the one-stop delivery system.
  • Improve opportunities for individuals with disabilities in competitive integrated employment.

Each Local Workforce Development Board has been tasked with creating a Local Disability Access Committee to work with the State Disability Access Committee as part of the statewide initiative.

The State Disability Access Committee will provide direction, guidance, and technical assistance to the Local Disability Access Committees to help meet the goals of the statewide initiative.


Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Documents and Templates

ADA Transition Plan Documents

Each of Iowa's Local Workforce Development Boards established a Local Disability Access Committee and they performed a physical accessibility assessment under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ​Th​e local physical accessibility assessments​ were used to develop ADA Transition Plans, which are available below.