Searching by topic can produce a wide range of responses. For most users, we would recommend focusing your search on document type. 

Document Types

First select the Division/Section representing the area you’re interested in, then select the type of document for which you’re searching. Options include:

  • Agendas & Minutes – (Minutes, agendas, and related documents  from meetings of workforce committees and boards)
  • Board member lists
  • Bylaws
  • Forms
  • Policies, Reports & Documents – (This can vary by the area you select but generally includes performance reports, procurement, policies and guidance, grants and contracts, and other official documents created by the workforce board or a committee.)
  • Publications 
  • RFP – (Requests for Proposals issued by workforce boards or committees)


When you're ready to start searching (or go back to your list of documents), you the following lists are available:


If you have any feedback or can't locate a document that you're looking for, please fill out the form below.

Website Feedback Form

Your feedback is appreciated. Please use the form below to submit feedback on the State Workforce Development Board Website.